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Heart for People supports five schools across the southern regions of Uganda. Some of our students come from single parent households, some have no parents at all, and some are raised by another relative. Most simply cannot afford the shoes, books, uniform, pencils and lunch required to attend a “free” government school. Learn more about each of our partner schools and the amazing directors who run them.

Segawa & Job

Adorable & Keziah


Eva & Grace

About Uganda

Uganda struggles to combat a host of problems endemic to the region.

Almost 40% of the country is living below the international poverty line ($1.25 per day).

Nearly half of the population is under the age of 15.

Less than 25% of the children who enroll in primary school finish their last year.

Only 17% attend secondary school.

Want to know more about poverty in Uganda? Try these sites:


Rural Poverty Portal

World Bank 

The World Factbook

State of the World’s Children Report 2014

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Denville, NJ 07834

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